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The Economic Association of Namibia held a think tank talk and discussed the role of over regulation in the built environment and proposed some solutions through the discussion of case studies. They later discovered 40% of Windhoek households live in Shacks.


The Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia (SDFN), through public private partnership (PPP) has built 4,960 housing units across the country during the 2017/18 financial year.


Mushelenga said despite known challenges, including resource constraints and high input costs, the ministry remains steadfast in its resolve to address the backlog in respect of serviced urban land, housing and availability of basic infrastructure to the people, especially the ultra low income groups. “It is our belief that the responsibility of ensuring affordable and decent housing for our people is not only of the government, but for all of us, including the private sector as employers, property financiers and developers as well as the community itself,” he said.


BRENIZO MOBILE 3003 CC, has taken the governments challenge to assist government in providing free houses for the Namibian Nation as a contribution from the private sector.  The Mobile 3003 movement strives to bring radical change to the housing and urban land development.


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Why We Are Doing This?
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Why We Are Doing This?